KINE 410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Deltoid Muscle, Abdomen, Clavicle

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The electrocardiogram (ecg) measures the electrical activity of the heart, therefore the skin must be properly prepared to collect the electrical recording. Oil, lotion, dead skin, and hair must be removed before placing the disposable electrodes. The four limb electrodes (ra, la, rl, ll) will be prepped for this lab. The list below describes the placement sites for each electrode. Usually for resting ecgs the limb electrodes are placed on the wrists and ankles, but because we are exercise professionals the electrodes are placed on the torso as if we were going to exercise. Begin by shaving the area (if necessary), scrubbing off oil and dead skin with the alcohol prep pad, and then applying the electrode gel. Relocate the sites and firmly place the electrodes on your partner. Ra (right arm) - inferior to the mid right clavicle, superior to the pectoralis muscle, medial to the anterior deltoid.