KINE 310 Study Guide - Final Guide: Coronary Artery Disease, Physical Therapy, Cardiology

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Hw #3: predictive tests are submaximal tests that are used to predict maximal aerobic capacity. Typically, heart rate (hr) or oxygen consumption (v o2) at 2 or more workloads is measured. Modified bruce treadmill test- is a maximal test that was designed to diagnose coronary heart disease. Some preliminary stages have been added to the original test, which has given rise to the use of the modified bruce treadmill test in people with other conditions. Strengths- widely used, especially for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease, and, as a result, normative data are available. Weaknesses- the modified protocol is more applicable for individuals with low functional capacity. The large increases in workload in the original protocol, however, allowed the test to be completed within 6 to 9 minutes. Astrand and ryhming cycle ergometer test- used to predict v o2max by use of a cycle ergometer, based on the linear relationship between v o2 and hr.