KINE 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bone Density, Fist Bump, Cardiorespiratory Fitness

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Preadolescent: ages 6-11 for girls, 6-13 for boys (should be encouraged to participate in physical activity focused on improving endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, agility, and power: recommendations: 60+ minutes per day, youth and rt (concerns and benefits) Benefits: increased bone mineral density, improved motor performance skills and muscle coordination, lowers elevated blood lipid levels, improves mood, improves self-confidence, potentially more appealing to overweight children, reduces sport-related injuries, guidelines for rt. 5 to 10 minutes of a dynamic warm up. Progress from body weights, bands, and med balls- work to dumbbells and machines. 2-3 nonconsecutive days per week: training youth. Greet each child by name/high five/ fist bump. Increases calorie utilization (reductions in body weight and in risks of diabetes, blood pressure, and obesity) Improved cardiorespiratory fitness (17-25% improvements, depending on intensity) Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and stress. Type 2 diabetes (promotes glucose utilization which is muscle glucose uptake, improves insulin response, and preserves lbm)