ASTR 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Oceanic Crust, Semi-Major And Semi-Minor Axes, Oort Cloud

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2. 0 x 10^5 = 200,000 (2. 0 x 10^3)^2 = 2. 0 x 10^5. Law of equal areas: an imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time. Law of harmonies: the square of the planet"s sidereal period is proportional to the cube of the length of the orbit"s semi-major axis (p^2=a^3) A closer a planet to the sun, the more rapidly it orbits and the shorter its year. It is currently very close to the celestial north pole and very bright. Phases of venus; saw jupiter"s moons, and studying the sun and moon. Define azimuth, altitude, declination, right ascension, latitude, and longitude. Azimuth: direction of celestial object from observer. Expressed as angular distance from north and south point of horizon to point at which vertical circle passing through object intersects horizon. Altitude: angular distance of object in sky above the observer"s horizon.