MGT 2106 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pepsico, Specific Performance, Cognitive Disorder

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31 May 2019

Document Summary

Chapters 10,11,12,13 (day 1) ; 14,15 (day 2) Cases: leonard v pepsico, taliaferro (day 1) ; smoky, inc. v. mccray, mullis v. mullis, selmer. Company v. blakeslee-midwest company, brunswick floors, inc. v. guest, resnick v. uccello, Immobilien gmbh, incorporated, anderson v. atlanta committee for the olympic games (day 2) Single denominator - countries which enforce their laws prosper the most. Contract - an agreement that can be enforced in court formed by >= 2 parties (yes there can be more than 2 parties involved in a contract as long as they are all signed off) You cannot make an unwilling party (genenrally one who doesnt sign the contract) adhere to a contract, it wont hold up in court. Breaking a contract can result in recission, damages, injuction, or specific performance. Things considered when reviewing a contract in court: Agreement: both parties must either make an offer, or accept an offer. Consideration: value must be exchanged between parties.