[EAS 1601] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 16 pages long Study Guide!

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Eas 1601 tuesday, august 25, 2015 lecture 3 (1) the first atoms and the cosmic background: proton: (cid:1005) ato(cid:373)i(cid:272) (cid:373)ass u(cid:374)it (cid:894)(cid:858)a(cid:373)u(cid:859)(cid:895: neutron: ~5 x 10-4 amu: atom (cid:374)u(cid:272)leus (cid:894)proto(cid:374)s + (cid:374)eutro(cid:374)s(cid:895) a(cid:374)d ele(cid:272)tro(cid:374) (cid:858)(cid:272)loud(cid:859) Bohr (cid:373)odel (cid:448)s. (cid:858)moder(cid:374)(cid:859) (cid:373)odel: elements: Different types of atoms found in the universe. Defined by the number of protons in their nucleus: isotopes: Different variants of the same element (so, same number of protons) > around 380 thousands years after the big bang. This stage of a star(cid:859)s life (cid:272)y(cid:272)le (cid:271)egi(cid:374)s as the high-density core of the collapsing cloud, and ends with the initiation of fusion in the core. Typically lasts ~107 years (3) life cycle of stars building the periodic table: mass in the universe is totally dominated by h and he created in huge quantities by the big bang. Eas 1601 thursday, august 27, 2015 lecture 4.