GEOG 111 Quiz: GEOG 111 (Physical Geography, Kernan) Exam Two Review Sheet/Study Guide

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28 Mar 2017

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Explain the four factors that cause winds and effect wind speed and direction. Friction force: slows wind speeds and reduces coriolis force close to the surface due to friction created between wind and land/water. Pressure gradient force: created from pressure differences and causes winds by driving air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Coriolis force: acts once air is moving and makes wind appear to be deflected in relation to earth"s rotating surface. Gravitational force: this creates air pressure, the differences of which cause wind and contribute to it moving at specific speeds and directions. Understand the primary high- and low-pressure systems and principal winds. Itcz: around the equator of warm less dense air that rises creating a major low pressure system. Polar high pressure cells: weaker more dense cells at the poles that sink. Subtropical high pressure cells: air sinks in the tropics creating these.