CLAS 1220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Damnatio Memoriae, Flavian Palace, Germania Superior

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Who/what: galba otho vitellius - vespasian. Why/how: chaos after suicide of emperor nero in 68 ce and no rightful heir/successor. (a) (b) (c) Support of praetorian guard (hailed as imperator), military support from troops outside rome, approval of senate and family lineage -> first roman civil war since death of mark antony in 30 bce: judean revolt 66-73 ce. Why/how: judea neglected and abused by greedy tax collectors, others assigned to rule (a) (b) (c) over judea -> nero sends vespasian to crush revolt who experiences great success: titus: key achievements. Who/what: brief reign because of pre-mature death (poisoning?) Why/how: finishes crushing the judean revolt in 70 ce and jerusalem is sacked, (a) (b) (c) eruption of vesuvius and building of flavian amphitheater: domitian: efficacy as ruler. Who/what brother of titus, always overshadowed, roman emperor. Why/how: accomplishments include: flavian palace, military accomplishments like (a) (b) (c) Britania, moesia, chatti resulting in far reaching legionary presence: domitian: tensions with the senate.