REL-3170 Midterm: Midterm Review

138 views8 pages
31 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Canon- the technical term for the official list of books comprising the bible by a religious community. Also has the specialized meaning of a closed list of writings that are considered sacred scripture. (greek work kanon means a rod, often used for measuring, giving the word an extended meaning as something fixed. ) Tanakh- frequently used acronym representing the three parts of the bible (in. Jews view the tanakh as simply the bible. Torah- opening five books of the bible- genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, and. Hebrew word torah means (cid:498)teaching(cid:499) or (cid:498)law. (cid:499) Term used to describe about a dozen books included in the christian canon but not in the jewish canon. Canaan- word egyptians used to describe the promised land before israel. Territory promised to abraham. (used in the bible almost exclusively in narratives about the period before ancient israel came into existence).