APK 3110C Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Acetyl-Coa, Citric Acid Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation

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Pyruvate metabolism: identify different directions in which pyruvate metabolism may proceed. Pyruvate is very versatile and can be interchanged with lactate, alanine, and glucose: or conversion of pyruvate to acetyl coa: the, recognize that reaction is irreversible. Fatty acid are turned into acetyl coa and never pyruvate. Therefore, they can never undergo gluconeogenesis and creat fat: recognize this reaction as an example of oxidative an alpha-ketoacid. Are oxidation reaction in which a carboxylate group is removed, forming co2. decarboxylation of. What can they be diverted from the cycle and used for ?) Carbohydrates, fatty acids, and proteins can all be converted into acetyl coa and then go through the tca cycle. Formation of a reaction that results in atp or ctp by the direct transfer of a phosphoryl group. 3) describe the role of oaa in regulating cycle activity. Oaa is necessary because it is used to form citrate.