ZOO 3731 Study Guide - Final Guide: Common Peroneal Nerve, Anatomical Terms Of Motion, Median Nerve

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26 Aug 2020

Document Summary

Amanda sanchez, brianna wint, heder garcia, daniela pantoja, jenifer alvarez: the cord is formed by the merging of the. A patient is experiencing pain on the posterio r part of his thigh. It is held in place by the denticulate ligaments to keep it from moving side to side: susan falls down a flight of stairs and suffers spinal cord damage due to hyperextension of the cord during the fall. The injury results in edema of the spinal cord between c5-c8 with resulting compression of the anterior horn cells of the spinal region. What symptoms would you expect to observe because of this injury? rise to the posterior and lateral. Susan will have trouble moving the upper limbs. Cords: the sciatic nerve branches into the medial and, grandma suffers from spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the vertebral foramen, usually located in the lumbar region.