SPC 2608 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Impromptu Speaking, Communication Apprehension, Chronemics

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Document Summary

The process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages create shared meaning. Communication that occurs with technology that facilitates communication and interactive sharing through networks, email, etc. Communication to an audience of ten or more. Communication that occurs whenever two or more people in different cultures interact. Communication produced and transmitted via media to large. The fewer or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with others. More comfortable speaking in one environment than another. Speaking from an outline after careful research and preparation. The way that we communicate our message orally and visually through our use of voice, face and body. The way in which we use space and distance to communicate. The listener must be attentive to both verbal and nonverbal cues. The purpose is to gain and return knowledge. In order to do so, you must hear and discriminate verbal and nonverbal messages first. The purpose is to enjoy the beauty of what one is hearing.