MAP 2302 Midterm: MAP 2302 FIU de Test 2 a

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15 Feb 2019

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General directions: show all essential work very neatly. Use correct notation when presenting your computations and arguments. "equals" , " " denotes "implies" , and " " denotes "is equivalent to". of all the magic transformations, do not "box" your final results. Show me all the magic on the page. 1. following linear constant coefficient homogeneous equations. (15 pts. ) Write down the general solution to each of the. Test2/map2302 page 1 of 4 (a) y (x) Auxiliary equation: m 2 4m 4 (m 2)2. 2 with multiplicity 2. c1e 2x c2xe 2x (b) y (x) Auxiliary equation: m 2 3m 10 (m 5)(m 2) 2 c1e 5x c2e 2x (c) d 5y dx 5. Auxiliary equation: m 5 4m 3 m 3(m 2)(m 2) 2 c1 c2x c3x 2 c4e 2x c5e 2x. ________________________________________________________________: (10 pts. ) homogeneous linear o. d. e. with real constant coefficients is as follows: