DEP 2004 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homeschooling, Dependent And Independent Variables, Classical Conditioning

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Document Summary

Case study: in depth look at one/many individuals, provides lots of data but cannot be generalized to the general population. Correlational study: quantitative study, has two or more variable. Independent variable: variable that can be manipulated. Learning: permanent change in behavior due to experience. Classical conditioning: occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at. Rst elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the rst stimulus alone. Operant conditioning: consequences of a behavior changes the probability of the behaviors reoccurrence. Neurotransmitters are stored at the end sacs of axons, release impulses which are received by the adjacent neuron. Mesosystem: interrelations between microsystems (parenting at home affects child in school) Exosystem: not immediate but can have effects on immediate systems. Macrosystem: historical and cultural phenomena larger than social groups. Chronosystem: impact of any or all systems may change over time. Et can theory can help clarify developmental trajectories. Emerging and young adulthood: intimate relationships vs isolation.