EXP 3505 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Retina, Simultanagnosia, Textdrive

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Visual gist: general category in 1/20 second, miss detail that require attention. Divided attention: paying attention to multiple things at once (text/drive) Filtering: early: not much processing (pitch not meaning) late: signif processing (meaning) Dichotic listening task: listening to 2 diff messages in diff ears. Filter= based on physical properties || detector= processes meaning. Later experiments- some info gets through, hearing own name. Reduces it items of high importance detected= your name. Common words= low thresholds (name) || uncommon words= high thresholds. Attentional load: more attention for one task, less resources we have for another. Stroop effect= reading is automatic, reading color and not word difficult** Divided attention: multitasking is overall worse performance in all tasks. Task switching= texting and driving 4x higher than intoxicated. Attention allocated: overt attention= eye movements || covert= without eye movements. Covert: fixation/attention coupled precueing= attention without moving eyes. Saccades= short jerky motion endogenous || smooth pursuit: smooth following exogenous.