ARH 2000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tenebrism, Lowkey, Aerial Perspective

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Rectilinear shapes have straight edges and angular corners. Organic shapes derived from the world of living things. Curvilinear qualities are common in nature, ex. rock surfaces, bark on tree, etc. Achromatic colorless; results from mixing various amounts of black and white low-key value. Any value that has a level of middle gray or darker; it"s closer to black. A value that has a level of middle gray or lighter; closer to white. Value contrast the degrees of difference between shades of gray. Imagery with high value contrast is __________ to percieve than that with little or no value contrast. easier. High contrast helps to perceive better than low contrast. Light is used to create drama or dynamic composition. Tenebrism the abrupt and dramatic juxtaposition of light and dark. The colour wheel is used to describe diff. sorts of colour schemes. Analogous colors colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.