SOCL 105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thorstein Veblen, Protestant Work Ethic, Georg Simmel

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Document Summary

Chapter 1: an introduction to sociology in the global age. Sociology: the study of the development, structure, and functioning of humane society. Continuity and change: the sociological imagination says that sociologists have a distinctive way of looking at the world. The social construction of reality: it is a process of human creation that becomes invisible and relatively unquestioned the deeper it is embedded in people"s social practices (ex. designers(agents) create the world of fashion) Sociology and common sense: the unquestioned truth everyone believes (ex. There are plenty of jobs out there, people are just too lazy to get one) Chapter 2: thinking about and researching the social world. Concepts from durkheim: anomie a state of normlessness, societies based around two types of solidarity, mechanical solidarity, organic solidarity. Georg simmel (1858 1918; german: interested in the forms taken by social interaction and the types of people who engage on interaction, w. e. b.