MATH 097- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Many of these problems will be word problems, the hated problems among many in math classes everywhere. However, we are going to use new information to better understand these word problems. Below will be some simple vocabulary that will be needed to better understand. They are different words from the normal addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. To understand these will be to understand problems. Sum, plus, added to, more than, increased by, total. Difference, minus, struct, less than, decreased by, less. Quotient, divide, shared equally, among, divided by, from. Now we are going to learn a step by step process of showing work and figuring out not only how to answer problems correctly, but also showing work which is very important to certain teachers. Of course all teachers are different and you should always ensure you are showing work to your teachers standards. I will be teaching a very stretched out way.