NBB 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Alpha Motor Neuron, Supplementary Motor Area, Premotor Cortex

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Document Summary

Important for planning and control of movement: lateral aspect - premotor cortex & ventral premotor and dorsal premotor cortex. Important for external sensory-guided actions; has strong reciprocal connections with parietal lobe: medial aspect - supplementary motor area. Ideamotor apraxia - knows the desired action, but can"t execute it. Indirect pathway: slower, roundabout route to gp/sn: direct pathway: fast inhibitory connects from striatum to gp/sn, striatal axons inhibit gp, output from basal ganglia (via gp/sn) is also inhibitory, sn excites direct pathway through d1 receptor. Imaging studies show that intro of shifts in sensory system leads to more activation of many. Idea of distributed representation - memories are stored throughout the neocortex. Interactions between emotion and other cognitive processes: learning: implicit and explicit. If amygdala is lesioned, arousal-induced enhancement of memory is affected, not acquisition: amygdala has a modulatory role; but it is not necessary for learning.