[NBB 301] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 125 pages long Study Guide!

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Some will be unbranched, some will have processes that have branching (little/lot) Overview of neuron structure: structures, soma (cell body, processes (neurites): divided into dendrites and axons. Dendrites: short, branched processes; covered in small spines that increase surface are. Overview of neuron function: process and transmit information, resting membrane potential: more negative inside cell membrane and more positive outside ---> how cell is able to be excited. Motor and tracks (4:50-18 min: cytoskeletal tracks, polar filaments. Plus end (periphery: minus end (centrosome location, membranous cargoes are transported in fast component. Non-membranous cargoes are transported in slow component: microtubules (more interior) 1/12/17: dynein : move towards minus end, retrogradely, kinesin: move towards plus end, anterogradely, actin motor filaments (more cortical/outer) Atp --> adp-pi --> adp --> empty --> atp: what do they do, transport of membrane organelles b/w golgi to membrane from membrane inside to lysosomes.