ENVS 222- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 53 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Adaptations: the specialized features of animals and plants that perform one or more useful function (functional morphology). Homology: the presence in two different groups of animals or plants of organs that have the same ancestral origin but serve different functions. Vestigial organs: organs that serve no apparent purpose but resemble organs that do perform. Natural selection: a process that operates in nature but parallels the artificial selection by which breeders develop new varieties of domestic animals and plants for human use. Particulate inheritance: the idea of the hereditary factors of genes. Gamete: a special reproductive cell that contains only one member of each chromosome pair. Sexual recombination: each parent"s contribution to each offspring of only one of each of its many paired chromosomes. Meiotic recombination: the two chromosomes that constitute a pair accidentally exchange segments while they are aligned prior to the formation of a sperm or egg.