PSCI 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Daniel Shays, Perpetual Union, Connecticut Compromise

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Was key tipping point, farmers were mad about foreclosures and revolted, mass. State government needed backup, congress couldn"t do anything. Many argue this prompted the constitutional convention. Daniel shays, former army captain, leads mob of farmers to rebel against massachusetts government because they were foreclosing on debt-ridden land. Wanted to prevent courts in western ma from sitting until the next election. Demonstrated that the congress under the aoc was too weak to deal with national security threats. States followed what had been suggested by hamilton in annapolis resolution in 1786. The articles of confederation, formally the articles of confederation and perpetual. Union, was an agreement among the 13 original states of the united states of america that served as its first constitution. No ability to regulate commerce between the states. States were the main units of government. Each state had one vote regardless of population.