ANAT 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Endoplasmic Reticulum, Intercalated Disc, Troponin

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3 types of muscle tissue: o o o. Smooth: in hollow organs where movement is involuntary but necessary like stomach, airways, etc. Made of short tapered cells but no striaions. Cardiac: cells divide and converge, one nucleus per cell, striated, with intercalated disks. Are voluntary - acivated by somaic nervous system. Also have nerves, blood vessels, and connecive issue. Each muscle has a nerve, artery and vein for nutriion. Myoibrils inside muscle iber/muscle cell inside fascicles inside muscles. Every muscle has a few layers of connecive issue for protecion and support o o o. Proteins like to change shape when stuf binds to them. Changing shapes allows proteins to bind or unbind with other stuf. Myoibrils are divided into coninuous bands of sarcomeres (that are divided by z lines which is just alternaing ilaments that make zig zag patern) - which are made of myoilaments (made of even inier proteins (acin and myosin))