IPHY 3410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stratified Squamous Epithelium, Simple Squamous Epithelium, Stratum Granulosum

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Concepts from old lecture material to know for the final. The final exam will be approximately 70% new material and 30% comprehensive (material covered on the first 3 exams). Below is the list of topics to be familiar with for the comprehensive portion of the final. I will only ask comprehensive material having to do with these topics. Polarity: distinct apical and basal cell surfaces sit on basement membrane for support = basil lamina + reticular fibers. Basil lamina non cellular sheet of proteins, provide surface for new cells to build on avascular innervated. Primary functions: protection, absorption, filtration, diffusion, chemoreception. Membranous epithelium: majority of body coverings and linings. Glandular epithelium: specialized epithelial cells that produce glandular secretions endocrine glands: lack ducts, produce hormones that pass to tissues and blood exocrine glands: secrete via ducts into body cavities or surfaces. Ducts can be simple (unbranched) or compound (branches) Glands can be tubular (tube shaped) or alveolar (rounder shape: connective tissue: