IAFS 1000 Final: IAFS 1000 Finals Study Guide

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Terms: exam. one point is given for definition and 4 points for both example (where appropriate) and most importantly significance to the study of international affairs. Definition: the act when a business moves their labor to a country where wages are. (5 pts. each/50 points ): ten of these terms will appear on the midterm notably cheaper to create profit on the goods they produce. this is done because businesses are too heavily regulated in the united states. Definition: a 3 country accord negotiated by governments of canada, mexico and the us providing for the termination of most tariffs on products traded amongst the three countries. Significance: reshaped north american economic relations, creating integration while helping mexico"s economy expand and grow. Definition: a city in the us or canada that maintains a policy of protecting undocumented immigrants by not prosecuting them on the sole account of violating federal immigration laws.