GRMN 2301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Totalitarianism, Melodrama, Hitler Youth

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Nazi ideology: it is the creation of a new radical germany community under the leadership of one man. Nuremburg laws: nuremberg laws put restrictions on jews in germany, many laws they had to follow, introduced 1935, marriages between aryan germans and jews forbidden, jews cannot be citizens, etc. Total war: all forces mobilized, give everything, cultural war, culture vs. anti-culture, worker type. Polycracy/the dual state: chaotic, many rulers, conservatives that controlled the state before nazis (weimar republic), total state: what nazis did, believed polycracy is chaotic. Degenerate art exhibition: chaotic setup, paid people to react horrified, nationalism, anti-modernity, anti-semitism, free admission, meant to show germans as strongest culture, controlled environment, show you how to think, nazis saw the art as insulting, abstract, weak, horrors. German art exhibition: eternal, traditional, german, product of people and race, clear, unchanging. Weimar republic and what led to the rise in nazism: