DNCE 1017 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Capital, Nonverbal Communication, Bodymind

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26 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Connection of advertising to cultural capital: cultural capital non-financial assets that promote social mobility beyond economic means. Ads use aesthetics to instruct: advertisements tell us who we are and how to deal with life, and they draw on aesthetics to do so. They give us info about living in conditions of incessant change. Dance requires concentration of whole person as a minded body. Dance is not independent of culture, intellect, or identity. Somatic: relating to or attending to the body. Somatovisceral knowledge: knowledge gained through the presentation of the body that affects out mental and emotional states. Sphere of attention/reflection: sphere of attention: shaped by our perceptions of who we are and what we think of ourselves. Advertisers keep the sphere of attention of the target audience in mind to effectively market the product inauthentic reflection: unchanging core: authentic reflection: realization of personal identity as invented, created and shifting. Presents an embodied way of conveying information.