[GEOG 101] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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Geography geo (earth), and graphein (to write) Holistic you want to see something from a very large perspective; it looks into the entire context. Eclectic taking tools from other disciplines and using them for your purposes; geography uses this method. Geography is usually split into two fields; physical geography and human geography: physical is more astronomy, biology, botany, ecology, geology, etc, human is more anthropology, business, demographics, politics, sociology, etc. Adapting or assimilating to your surroundings is a part of geography; finding a nude beach in france is not so uncommon, but finding something like this in santa monica sounds ridiculous. Spatial analysis taking tools of base statistics and apply them to maps to get useful information out of it; a friend lives in burbank, and you have barely ever been. The friend invites you to a restaurant you have never been to, but you accept. The first thing you do is look it up on google.