PSYC 304 Study Guide - Final Guide: Facial Recognition System, Homeostasis, House Mouse

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15 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Ultimate causes: events that take place over many generations that influence behavior, the evolutionary history of a behavior, how we"ve developed over time. Explanations of behavior things we are trying to develop. Mechanisms: genetic-developmental, neuronal-hormonal, evolutionary history, adaptive value. Phylogenetic tree: shows the evolutionary history of species, distance on the tree roughly indicates the length of time since the separation of two species, the evolutionary relationships of the prairie vole and six of its relatives. Isolation studies: those raised with no exposure to the songs didn"t learn to sing the appropriate songs. If exposed to audio tapes of birdsong the males would learn to sing the appropriate song. Vocal learning & brain activity: erich jarvis duke university, vocal learning. 3 groups of birds: parrots, songbirds, and hummingbirds. 3 groups of mammals: bats, cetaceans (whales/dolphins), and humans, look for similarities between mammals and birds.