ANTH 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Adaptations result from evolutionary change (specifically as a result of natural selection) Hamadryas baboons live in desert and rocky areas. Rely on gum from trees and insects for food. They went through an adaptive radiation in madagascar. Most primates live in tropical forests and are arboreal. Gibbons and siamangs: captive study, pros, greater access to primates, more and easier observation. Artificial stresses, cannot study ecology, impacts life history and behavior: semi-free ranging, pros, greater access to primates living in groups and sometimes foraging in natural habitats. Observation and population measure facilitated by known range (ex. The limited range or habitat of the population, food supply, may present an evolutionary novel and mismatched problem: free living/ wild field study, pros, can study role of ecology on behavior and sociality. Can study socioecology: cons, habituation ( to primatologist) may cause stress and takes a long time. Proximate causes/explanations: hormonal or physiological reason to act (e. g. sex because it feels good).