NS 1150 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide, Lipoprotein Lipase, Insulin Receptor

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Pressure on veins makes return blood flow difficult. Common among people who sit all day eg. truck drivers, writers. Easily transfers energy and can be utilized without oxygen. Beta cells- produce insulin (insulin"s released when blood glucose rises above 80mg/100ml blood. Role of insulin in muscle tissue- it attaches to muscle receptors. Transports glucose into the cell- also amino and fatty acids. Also stimulates the synthesis of glycogen, 400g in muscle 100g in liver. Sensitivity of muscle insulin receptors is dependent on movement. Exercise also increases glucose uptake through non-insulin mechanisms. Role of insulin on adipose (fat) cells- attaches to insulin receptors. Transports glucose and fatty acids into the cell. Vldl very low density lipoprotein (acts to break triglycerides into fatty acids) Sensitivity of insulin and sympathetic receptors is dependent upon size of cell. Reducing cell size increases sensitivity of insulin receptors. Diabetics have higher morning glucose levels (inability to clear glucose)