ASTRO 1102 Midterm: AST 102 Cornell Exam1E

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31 Jan 2019

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Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question: this is version e of the exam. Ability to measure the angular separation of objects. 3: if you know both the actual brightness of an object and its apparent brightness from your location, 8: say the pupil of your eye has a diameter of 5 mm, and you have a telescope with an aperture of. 11) size of about 0. 5 degrees (~30 pixels). How far away was this rock from the rover: about 6 meters, about 6 feet, about 10 meters, about 10 feet, about 1 meter. 13: you cool a blackbody to half its original temperature. Sun: more distant planets move at slower speeds, the distance between the earth and the star altair is one million times greater than the. 16) distance between the earth and the sun. 21: why did ptolemy have the planets orbiting earth on circles upon circles" in his model of the.