[MATH V1207] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (25 pages long)

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Honors math a: introduction to statements, a statement is an assertion that is true or false but not both i. ii. iii. For example: p = the earth is flat . The truth value of a statement p is t if it is true, and f if it is false: the negation of a statement () is equivalent to the statement p is false. i. ii. iii. iv. The truth value of the negation is the opposite of the original. If p is false, the statement p is false is true. Example: = the earth is not flat (not the earth is round ) = elvis is not dead c: the conjunction of two statements p and q, denoted as , is true if p and q are both true i. ii. Example: = the earth is flat and elvis is dead : proposition: is always false i.