PSYCH 3400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prenatal Development, Morning Sickness, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

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4 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Movement of newly formed cells from inside of the blastocyst to some where else. The process by which stem cells become specialized in both structure and function. Embryonic cells that can develop into any type of body cell. It is normal for many cells to die of apoptosis as the nervous system forms; it is part of constructing appropriate connections. Apoptosis is crucial for normal brain development and function, as researchers have discovered over the past decade or two. The development principle that growth occurs from the most interior parts of the body outward. The developmental principle that growth occurs in a sequence from head to toe. What do the following pregnancy hormones do hcg: a hormone produced by a portion of the placenta following implantation. Estrogen: a hormone (linked to morning sickness) that improves vascularization, the transfer or nutrients, and supports the developing baby. Progesterone: a hormone that causes that causes a loosening of ligaments and joints.