PSYCH 3400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Romanian Orphans, Harry Harlow, Developmental Psychology

42 views6 pages
4 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Realization that one is a distinct individual. Basic emotions are present at an earlier age and don"t require the more complex mindset and understanding that self-conscious emotions (guilt, pride, shame, hubris, etc. ) do. Can appear in response to what another person is doing. Parents typically stay with their children 24/7. If parents leave, even briefly, the child gets very upset/scared (despite the fact that after a few minutes, the child will come down and be fine) Infants do begin to understand (around 1 year of age) that their parents are different from other adults. If another adult comes into view, they will become nervous and may hide from this new person. Children don"t know who they can trust and who they can"t. Learning by observing others both what they do and how other people react to their behavior. Be able to tell the outcomes of bandura"s bobo doll studies. Kids are exposed to adults being aggressive to bobo dolls.