PSYCH 3100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Homeschooling

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1 Sep 2015

Document Summary

Be able to give an example of how researchers collect data: surveys, experiments, observation/case studies. Be able to give an example of how researchers organize data: chronological, when did something happen? , geographical/spatial, at this location, this happened , value/size, simple to complex, by groups/categories, male and female. Be able to give an example of how researchers analyze data: related to making predictions, probability. Independent t-test: dependent t-test, one way anova, factorial anova. Be able to give an example of how researchers interpret data: always based on the design of the data collection, this can be attributed to causal factors within the design. Be able to give an example of how researchers present data: graphs, tables, charts, research articles, research papers, posters. Know the ways knowledge can be acquired that were presented in class and be able to provide examples of each: tenacity.