PSYCH 2010 Final: Final - Review sheet 4

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Note: there are no assigned readings for the industrial/organizational (i/o), human factors (hf), and. Use your class notes to study for this section (i hope you"ve been coming to class! Theory explanation using an integrated set of principles that organizes and predicts observations. Theories aren"t right or wrong or proven or disproven. Theories put many pieces together and a theory is a nice way of organizing all of the collected data. Constructs hypothesized psychological structures, mechanisms, and variables. There is no single way to define personality because there are many different aspects of it. But extraversion has a pretty good construct validity. Both in the mathematical sense and in the sense, we held that variable constant . Assigning numbers to a phenomenon such that the characteristics of the numbers reflect the. Ex: rocks give them random numbers rock three is bigger than rock 2 characteristics of a phenomenon.