PRTM 3420 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Disposable And Discretionary Income, Computer Simulation, World Tourism Organization

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Short answer/essay 50 points total (100 pts total) Psychocentric stuf needs to know and focus on how to use it to explain something. Students and analysts of tourist behavior face a paricular problem when atemping to asses tourist moivaion. The problem lies in then assuming that other people are also moivated by these same forces. This chapter introduces a range of ideas, concepts, and studies on pleasure travel moivaion. Constantly be mindful that other travelers might not be driven by the same social, cultural, and biological needs as themselves. A professional understanding for the consumer is at the core of successful business pracice in the tourist industry. The general issue of understanding consumer needs falls within the area of the psychology of tourists" behavior. The study of travel moivaion is the fundamental staring point in studying the psychology of tourist behavior.