PHIL-1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Compatibilism, Determinative, Philosophes

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Some say that everything happens for a reason, everything is all part of god"s plan, while others say life is what you make it and nothing in life is certain. This question of the existence of free will and entropy are paramount in difficulty of humanity"s driving questions, for they can"t be measured or seen easily, yet many have tried to reason around and find answers. Different views and theories have been made and popularized over the years, yet it is the philosophies of kant, hume, and. French philosophe and mathematician rene descartes, born in 1596, is named by some as the father of modern philosophy . It was his book meditations on first philosophy published in 1641 that brought him his fame. Descartes set a ground belief in philosophy that would last for many years and is still argued about to this day.