MICR-4050 Study Guide - Final Guide: List Of Microbiota Species Of The Lower Reproductive Tract Of Women, Human Microbiome Project, Gut Flora

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What are the three domains of life: bacteria, archaea, eukarya. What is the value of studying the metatranscriptome rather than the metagenome: meta- studying of all dna/rna/protein, dna is present regardless if the organism is using it for particular genes and when organism is dead. It"s a (cid:271)ette(cid:396) idea of (cid:449)ho"s a(cid:272)ti(cid:448)e & (cid:449)hat the(cid:455)"(cid:396)e t(cid:396)(cid:455)i(cid:374)g to do. What problems are associated with studying it: all living organisms have ssrna need it to survive! Differentiate between richness and evenness: alpha diversity, beta diversity. Does not indicate distribution of the species at all. Richness- # of a given species present in a community. Evenness- variability in the abundances of a given unit in a community. In terms of just richness, 2 communities can be equivalent but with a different total # of species: an even community, an uneven community. All species = about the same number of representatives.