MICR 3050- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Characteristic symptoms: fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, chest pain and bloody cough. Characteristic symptoms: enlarged lymph nodes, chills, headache, fever and weakness. Route of transmission: spores get in body through broken skin/wounds. Characteristic symptoms: itching and burning at wound, gi problems, fever. Airborne or by direct contact with infected throat or nasal a. Airborne or by direct contact with infected throat or nasal discharge. Refractive index: measure how much light beam bends when hitting different substances. How much hitting the substance slows velocity of light. Focal point (f): area where all beam of light is focused. Resolution: ability to distinguish two objects as distinct and separate objects under a microscope. Objects close together cant be resolved as distinct and separate objects. Shorter wavelength (blue side of the spectrum) = higher resolution. Numerical aperture (na): measure of light gathering ability. Specimen visualized b/c differences in contrast b/w specimen and surroundings. Helps preserve specimen and fix them in position.