HLTH-4000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Xerostomia, Lethal Dose, Active Ingredient

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25 Apr 2018

Document Summary

**this was way too long to add to emily"s so i made it separate but feel free to pull from it and. Hlth 4000: midterm study guide add what you can!: addiction--continued involvement with a substance or activity despite ongoing negative consequences, psychological addiction (dependence?) Products were developed specifically for reservations: often high profit, low quality. Florida, a 22. 2% increase over the 4,270 such occurrences in 2014 and an. 11. 7% increase over 2015: fentanyl analogs present in 1,026 deaths statewide (3 more than heroin! Some brain changes may persist after use stops. Scientists can now see how cocaine actually affects brain function in people. Cocaine has many actions in the brain incl. activating the reward system. The pet scan allows us to see how the brain uses glucose. Glucose provides energy to each neuron so it can perform work. The pet scan shows where the cocaine interferes with the brain"s use of glucose - or its metabolic activity.