ENGL-2130 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley, Rhyme Scheme

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With harriet westbrook (who was 18), shelley fathered two children. Shelley then fell in love with mary wollstonecraft godwin. Mary shelley"s father, william godwin, was known for his radical writing. William was very critical of political institutions and aristocratic privilege. Shelley suggest that harriet come to live with him and mary as a sister . Harriet drowned herself in 1816 during a custody battle. The court denied shelle custody of his two children with harriet due to his radicalism. Mary shelley"s frankenstein is a good example of romantic inspiration/expressionism. She was inspired to write while she was on vacation at a lake. Three images thats praise wordsworth: like he was a hero, guiding light, and shelter. Things depart which never may return - suggests change. Common it is common to lose love of nature as you get older. Wordsworth"s obsession with losing these feelings is common . Shelley distinguishes that he is different than ww.