MKTG 320 Study Guide - Final Guide: Test Statistic, Central Tendency, Null Hypothesis

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1 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Key points of chapter 13 marketing research part 2 final exam. Validation: involves determining with as much certainty as possible that each questionnaire is in fact a valid interview. A valid interview is one that was conducted in an appropriate manner. Objective of validation is to detect interviewer fraud or failure to follow key instructions. Accomplished by recontacting a certain percentage of respondents surveyed by each researcher. If surveys are found to be fraudulent they are eliminated from the study. Editing: involves checking for interviewer and respondent mistakes. Making certain that all required questions were answered, that any skip patterns were followed properly, and that responses to open-ended questions were accurately recorded. Once editing is done, open ended questions are coded. Most questions are closed ended and therefore pre-coded=> numeric codes have already been assigned to the various responses on the questionnaire. Once coding sheet is created, it is used for all questionnaires.