ASCI 351 Study Guide - Final Guide: Desert Hedgehog, Llama, Submucosa

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Document Summary

This study guide is compiled by a student, not the professor, and is based off of lecture materials from dr. campos and from the book pathways to pregnancy and parturition, but may contain minor errors. If you find an error, please email me the correction so i can improve the study guide. This study guide took hours and hours to compile and represents significant effort (/hour is minimum wage, and this took at least 6 hours to make)--please do not share this document with your friends and classmates. If they"d like a copy, let me know and i"m happy to sell them access :) This is in no way a substitute for reading the book or going to lecture, and is intended only to help you compile crucial information from the course in a more understandable and condensed format. This study guide is copyrighted to myself--again, please don"t share it without my permission.