ASCI 351 Midterm: ASCI 351 Filled Out Study Guide

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Function(s) a female reproductive organ in which ova or eggs are produced, present in humans and other vertebrates as a pair. Produce oocytes, and produce the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone womb. Small, convoluted ducts that transport sperm and ova. Receives the penis during intercourse, conduit for menstrual flow, the passage that the baby goes through when it is born ovary oviduct uterus cervix vagina external genitalia. The vulva of the female and the penis of the male. Layer of squamous cells that cover the reproductive tract. Double layer of smooth muscle consisting of an outer longitudinal layer and an inner latitudinal layer. Varies in thickness depending on location houses blood vessels, nerves, and. Transferring sperm from the male to the female. Secrete lubricating fluids to reduce friction from movement. Provide tone and contractions for transport of embryo, gametes, parturition, secretory products.