ARCH 217- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 178 pages long!)

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As well as in teotihuacan, where the pyramids lining the avenue of the dead represented the landscapes. What were the pyramids used for at each site: what story is told by the temple of inscriptions and the tomb of hanabpakal, many of the indigenous cultures of north america created monumental earthen mounds. How is this system related to architectural space and planning: describe and analyze the layout of chinese imperial cities. Consider issues such as layout, religion, materials, use, and architectural influences: describe nara and kyoto, the two main early capitals. Passage tomb is made of stones from many different regions, implying that there was a lot of travel and trade with other areas. The humongous stones that make up the treasure that is. Stonehenge leave to mystery how they were transported and erected. Obelisk of hatshepsut in the temple of amun. Lecture 1: what were the basic motives behind the creation of images at paleolithic sites such as.