ECE-350 Midterm: ECE 350 Boise State Exam3 Solutions f17

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One 8 x 11 sheet of notes, and a calculator are allowed during the exam. Write all answers neatly and show your work to get full credit. I have a zero-tolerance policy for cellphones in tests. Put it in your backpack and zipper it, or leave it in your car. If one is even seen, you will be excused from the exam. Any other form of academic dishonesty will also be harshly dealt with. Quiz average (quizzes close fri dec 8th): ____ 30 november 2017: (28 points) given the following system diagram. For each spectrum label fully (both amplitudes and frequencies). (a) (5 points)write the equation and draw and fully label x(j ). (d) (5 points) draw and fully label. B1(j ). (b) (4 points) write the equation and draw and fully label c1(j ). (c) (5 points) draw and fully label.