PSYC 10a Study Guide - Final Guide: Seven Deadly Sins, Encoding Specificity Principle, Egocentric Bias

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Review sheet exam 3 final revision. False memories: people develop false memories in response to suggestions for some of the same reasons memory misattribution occurs. Needs right retrieval cues, encoding specificity principle, state-dependent retrieval. Schacter"s 7 deadly sins omission and commission. Transience: forgetting what occurs with the passage of time (the quality of memory also changes) Retroactive interference: new memory interferes with old info. Proactive interference: old memory interferes with new info. Absentmindedness: a lapse in attention that results in memory failure. Forgetting to carry out actions that we planned to do in the future failure to prospective memory. Blocking: a failure to retrieve info that is available in memory even though you are trying to produce it. It occurs more often when getting older (like 60s to 70s) Memory misattribution: assigning a recollection or an idea to the wrong source. Some of the primary causes of eyewitness misidentification.