CGS SS 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sergei Witte, Enlightened Despotism, Subsistence Economy

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Romanov dynasty-began in the 16th century with ivan iv (ivan the terrible) and. Nicholas i (1825-55), alexander ii (1855-81; reforming tsar), alexander iii and. During their dynasty russia was ruled by an autocracy meaning the tsar had the most power and was considered and enlightened despotism. The tsar owned all land while the nobility controlled it and had many privileges. This dynasty wanted to expand with trade to get some warm water ports and entered many different wars to do this. The dynasty ended in 1918 with nicholas ii. Alexander ii-ruled russia from 1855-(cid:890)(cid:883) and was known as the (cid:498)reforming(cid:499) tsar. His first reform, the emancipation edict of 1861 freed all the serfs and created the mir system. This was put into place because he wanted to use the serfs surplus as a means to create capitalism in russia and to help them industrialize.